Premiers pas
Les parcours de formation vous aident à développer vos compétences pour progresser à votre rythme de débutant à avancé.
Cours mis en avant
Développez vos compétences en suivant une série de cours sous divers formats.
Beginner WordPress Developer
Start your WordPress development journey here. Learn how WordPress works, and how to extend it.
9 heures
59 leçons
Beginner WordPress User
Learn the essentials of creating and managing your site, from mastering the interface to crafting content.
4 heures
24 leçons
Intermediate WordPress User
Delve into advanced features, fine-tune site customization, and implement effective content strategies.
7 heures
37 leçons
Intermediate Theme Developer
Learn how to develop a custom block theme, from global styles to release on
8 heures
32 leçons
Creating a 4-page business website
In today’s digital age, having a website is crucial for any business. However, creating a website…
10 leçons
Open source basics and WordPress
Explore open-source principles as they apply to WordPress, essential for new or seasoned contributor to understand.
7 leçons
Leçons mises en avant
Améliorez votre expertise WordPress avec des leçons variées contenant des vidéos, des exercices pratiques, des quiz, et du contenu textuel.
Create a landing page
This lesson teaches how to create a landing page with a block theme, featuring key elements.
Website optimization
Part of: Intermediate WordPress User
Learn which elements impact performance, and how to test and optimize your site’s speed.
Introduction to themes for developers
Part of: Beginner WordPress Developer
Learn the difference between themes and plugins, and explore the structure block, classic, and hybrid themes.
Setting up your block development environment
Part of: Beginner WordPress Developer
Explore the software and tools needed in order to develop WordPress blocks.
What is a plugin?
Part of: Beginner WordPress Developer
Explore an introduction to WordPress plugins geared to developers.
Introduction to WordPress
Part of: Beginner WordPress User
Delve into the basics and learn what even a beginner can achieve with WordPress.
Ateliers en ligne à venir
Rejoignez une session en direct avec d’autres personnes apprenantes, guidés par des professionnels WordPress expérimentés.
Share your WordPress expertise
Behind every course, lesson, and live workshop is a passionate collective of professionals working to offer the highest-quality educational content. If you love WordPress, have knowledge to share, and want to contribute to a thriving open source community—get involved with the Training team.