How to choose the right hosting for your WordPress website
The workshop explains the different types of hosting packages that are available for WordPress-powered websites, and details the steps involved in considering a hosting package for the website. The workshop also covers several tips and tricks for users and goes into detail about the importance of choosing a good vendor.
Learning outcomes
- Learn about the different types of web hosting packages.
- Find out about the factors that should be considered before choosing the right hosting package.
- Learn about the important considerations before choosing a hosting package for your site.
- Understand the importance of choosing a reliable hosting vendor.
Comprehension questions
- How does your use-case help you choose your hosting package?
- If you are hosting critical content on your site, what type of hosting should you choose?
- Does Unlimited hosting mean that your site has unlimited resources?
- Which feature in a hosting package improves your site speed?
Hey, guys, hope you’re having a good day you’re learning a lot. And things are going great, I guess, really excited to welcome you all to this WordCamp. India that’s happening for the first time I will be sharing some of my knowledge with you. And hopefully, I hope that it helps you out it helps you in some of the other way in your journey with WordPress. Whatever information I have is based on my experience with hosting and WordPress, I’ve been in this industry for the last 15 plus years now, so excited to share this with you. But that I will just share my screen and start presentation.
So again, welcome all of you. So my topic today is going to be choosing the right hosting for your WordPress powered website.
I believe this is a topic that all of us at some other point in our career always, or the journey always had to think about on how we go ahead with this. How to Choose your hosting. Hosting is not as simple as it used to be as in, if you had started 1015 years back, there was just one flavor, two things available and everybody you have to choose either one or the other, depending on their sources they needed. And there were times when hosting packages or to NBN, one NBN three we could have in those days are long gone. With increased resources and what’s available. And again, what’s expected by the clients has also changed as a new, what you expected 10 or 15 years back on your mobile or on your computer is completely different from what you expect now, so the servers have also evolved.
And yeah, let’s just start right in into this and see how we can take this up. So the first thing to remember, you can spend from nothing, literally just make tweaks to your site to do whatever you can think of as much as money that you have when it comes to spending on hosting. So it depends on what you actually need to do or what is your use case. Remember, one size does not fit all. So once you go to a site saying that, okay, unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, we fulfill all your needs in $2 $3 $4. Do you think you can afford to do that as this logically thinking? That’s obviously not possible? Right? So understand one size does not fit all, you need to think of what’s your use case? What is your target audience? What are we trying to do? How many user data 20 things that are needed? before you try and start thinking of, Okay, this is the best product to buy, this is the best package to buy for me. So always keep this in mind you have to build or select resources based on your use case.
So how do you choose a hosting provider? Again, as I said, What is your use case? What are you trying to build? I will try to create a one or five page website. small company just has a portal online which shows one page with its products second pages for title and stuff like that this data use case? Or do you have a heavier use case? You have somebody with photography sites, you have somebody who’s offering videos or or training LMSs. But that’s like a good use case these days. So depending on that, you’d have to understand what it is that you choose. Again, what are the general types of hosting that are offered? There are a lot of hosting that offered when you go to a hosting providers website.
Frankly, there are at least three to four hosting providers or three to four types of hosting packages that everybody offers. What What should you choose and how does how do you understand what works for you? How much money should you spend? There are other keywords as well as an if you go into a little bit more detail galletti What is your expectation when it comes to load speeds? Time to first byte? When is it time to first byte? From the time somebody puts in your site hits enter to the time they start seeing some content or the server starts responding? Are you looking at those kind of response times and stuff, then obviously, you have to think on other terms as well. No matter what, one thing that you always need to remember, choose a reliable vendor choose a vendor that has been in this business for some time, there is a liability reputation, they have teams who can handle issues if there is a downtime, if there is an attack on there. So if the, if they’re in a data center, their ISP is under attack you like like 10 years back 12 years back. attacks on networks were like one gig and stuff. Now it’s like 100 gigs, 200, gigs and stuff. So frankly, that’s more bandwidth than a lot of data centers have, as in smaller data centers, or the service provider that you’re using, depending on what their capabilities Do they have capability to tackle such issues.
You keep on seeing people getting infected with malware, there are hosting providers who have gone out of business, because they got into security issues, some companies attacked them, some blackhat people attacked them, and they were just not able to recover from that. So choose a reliable vendor, pay a little more for quality. Don’t try to cut corners over there, because in the long term that becomes a cheaper option for you. So what is your use case? How do you define your use case? Start thinking take a piece of paper start thinking on Okay, what’s the traffic expected? Are you expecting 10 users a day 200 users a day 500 users a day 1000 users and our 500 users a minute? What what’s your use case? Right? So you have to think on that. Before you that’s one of the key expectations. What’s your traffic what how much how many people do expect to serve. Don’t overestimate again, everybody wants to everybody thinks that their business should be the best out there. They want to definitely go ahead and ensure that the business is growing. But don’t overestimate don’t overcome it. You can definitely grow from where you are. So you can think of that. Don’t underestimate if you are going to let’s say if you are building a website for a college, right, and maybe they share their results from their website. So if that were to happen, don’t underestimate saying that, okay, that would be one day of the year, or like 364 days, nobody’s going to be visiting this site that much. So I should just under commit resources, don’t do that. Ensure you plan out for such things. be cynical of what you will Don’t try to build there is no perfect solution that was built in a day. Similarly, you cannot decide or put in everything that you need on even on your website to your resources in a day. Keep on building and iterate keep on rebuilding keep on adding stuff and depending on what you need. If again, if you as you keep on adding you see that there is a drop in performance, then you can think of going to the next level. Again, similarly don’t go over try to everything at one go. Don’t say that. Okay, I will ensure that I put in all the caching that’s there, I put in all CDN everything together at one go and see what’s happening. That actually might be counterproductive. I’ll tell you why that might be. Again, what’s your uptime expected? You pay for uptime. If you’re expecting that it needs to be up 24 by seven, not a single second. It cannot be it can be down. So you might need redundancy across different geographies. So let’s say the ISP cable going from your to Singapore has been cut. And that happens doesn’t. It doesn’t happen frequently. It happens once in a once in few years. So if that’s happening, and if you are hosted out of Singapore, people from India maybe can’t access your site. In that case, if your site was maybe on the Europe side, it will still work. So do you want your site to be at multiple locations? So nobody misses a single query? Or each and every request is so to you? So you have to take those calls. And if you do that, then obviously that is going to cost you because that doesn’t happen for free? Again, criticality of the site, is it a revenue generator or a hobby information website? If it’s a simple hobby website or a full blog that you’re starting? Do you need that kind of redundancy? That’s the question that you ask yourself. Do you need active development environment support? You need access to Kate, WP CLA etc as in are you into those kinds of tools? Do you need access to that, depending on that you obviously have to decide on the kind of hosting that you choose as well. Again, support requirements. Normally these things are sturdy, nothing happens to them. But in case of some problem, what is the kind of support you are expecting? Are you expecting a 24 by seven support with an SLA of 30 minutes, one hour, two hours, or it’s okay, if something goes down, you respond to them, they come back in 24 hours, depending on what you’re aiming at. That becomes one of the requirements as well. And dunion auto scaling solution, like the first example that I gave you, are you building a website for
a college or a school who expects to give their results online? If that’s the case, then you might not read those resources 24 by seven 365 days, but maybe the week where the results are going to be out? You need that I am sure all of you have gone through this you go to as a as Now, those things are better, but irctc is there. You have your colleges, also, your MBA entrances, as here is all the sides the day the results are there, trust me, you cannot get in. And you have to spend half an hour just to look at one query. So stuff like that? Do you need auto scaling on demand, you need scaling? Maybe not on demand, you can figure out and schedule and upscale and downscale based on your traffic. So stuff like that, obviously is important. Now let’s get into types of formatting. You know, the use cases, what are your use cases? What do you want for?
What are you looking for? So we look at what are the types of hosting that are available in the market. Again, these don’t define what these are encapsulate everything. But majority of what you see is based out of one of these other or is one of these variants in the market. So you have dedicated hosting VPS hosting, cloud hosting, shared hosting. shared hosting is also now with the advent of SSD SSD is getting cheaper. People have started going from St. Louis St. And there is definitely a big performance boost over there. There is managed WordPress hosting. I’ll go through each of these hosting in detail so you understand what’s there in each of these hosting. And that will help you get a better idea of what you would want. So let’s start with the first one dedicated hosting images representative only this is not actually how obviously the server looks. But count this as fun old machine. So let’s say you have a desktop at home, you have ifI seven desktop with four cores and you have eight gigs of RAM. And you have whatever hard drive or TB of hard drive, HDD or SSD whatever you choose. So that’s your so that that is your machine at home. And if you use all resources have this machine to serve your site. So you you only host you add a server software on your computer and make your computer into a server.
All this is hypothetical obviously there are 20 other things including network and all of that in world, but the idea is that old machine holder sources are dedicated to so only the sites that you host so you are not sharing this sources with anyone This is physically located completely to you. Why would you do that? There might be multiple reasons some people do it for storage, some people do it for need of CPU need of RAM, depending on your use case as there are people who need high C high memory who are high memory applications. Some people who have high CPU applications, some people who have high GPU applications, some people who need high read and write they just want storage. So depending on the use case, you choose this dedicated hosting might sound convenient, but obviously it’s costly as in just imagine your machine at home, multiplied by five to 10 times of the cost that’s like the cost of so that’s racked up in data center, which is working 24 by seven and which is connected to a very stable internet connection and it’s available 24 by seven.
So obviously those things cost you. So dedicated servers, frankly, for a single use website or a blog or something. Most of the times might be an overkill, but it might be if let’s say you have a medical site and your data is very important, you cannot share it or put it on a shared location, you want to ensure nobody can access the data ever, in such cases dedicated stuff definitely work. Now, what you also have to understand with dedicated, or even VPS, for that matter, this is as good as I give you, a machine, a Linux machine, and you have to control everything inside it. That means from installation of your databases, your software, versions, PHP, MySQL, whatever you are using. in WordPress, obviously, you lose the standard LAMP stack, that’s Linux, Apache, my SQL, PHP, you have to install all of this maintain all of this. If the server restarts because of a bug, or there is something or the other happens, you put in a patch, and that causes unstability, or a conflicting version of PHP, MySQL years old start, you have to fix all of this, it is your responsibility. There are companies who will offer you managed services where they will help you with all these updates purchaser of that’s going to cost you over and beyond the cost of the server. So you would go for this, but these kind of resources are hardly needed by sites, individual sites, at least.
Let’s move on to VPS. Now VPS, again, this is representative. This is so that you understand how resources are. So let’s consider the same example of your home PC – four cores CPU, eight GB RAM. And now what you do the same thing with that one TV drive, you create virtual machines you create for smaller machines inside your desktop.
So you use let’s say you can do this or you can try this out as using maybe VirtualBox or something that’s available free. Your parent your machine that you’re running on, maybe it’s a Linux or Windows or Mac machine, and that you create a layer and you create four virtual machines. So VM, one can be Windows, Linux, whatever. Similarly, Windows VM to VM three, VM four might be different machines altogether, or different operating systems altogether, and you can allocate, let’s say, VM one, I’ll give you one core, two GB RAM, the second VM I’ll give two core four GB RAM, third machine I’ll give one core two GB RAM fourth machine I’ll give again, two core eight GB RAM. Now, I had originally said that you have four CPUs and eight GB RAM, four core CPUs and eight GB RAM. How am I allocating so many CPUs and so many RAM, that is how we pay this is normally what you oversell. This is called as overselling where, even though I have four cores and eight GB RAM, I might be selling, let’s say eight cores and 16 gb ram. Why do providers do that? Frankly, no machine is going to be running 100% all the time.
So you will never run on 100% CPU 100% all the time, there will be spikes, there’ll be ups and downs in traffic and normally, that neutralizes the usage pattern over so again, this is an example this is not exactly how it is done, there is a logic there is a science involved around it. And again, that usage also depends again in VPS is also you have similar to dedicated high CPU, high RAM, our high compute power, high memory, or high graphic VMs. So this normally, so VM would be a smaller or a less powerful Teddy, if you asked me in a way the VM one the virtual machine that has been made, it’s completely isolated. So VM, one cannot read data in VM to VM two cannot read data and VM three similarly, vice versa. So what happens is physically these are, they are logically created two separate partitions, separate images. So you one image cannot read through the other image. So that data privacy exists. But in case where you don’t need one TB and two TB storage and stuff and you need don’t need so much CPU, but you need your dedicated space, people go in for VMs. The same concerns the same problem that exists with dedicated also exists. The VM is like a machine that’s given to you patching, upgrading everything is your problem. anything happens to that VM, the parent machine will always be running that’s called that’s technically called the hypervisor that will be running these machines inside the hypervisor may go down. But if it is managed by you, then you have to figure out why it’s tough. It will not go down because of the parent. But it will go down because something some configuration problem on a machine it’s as good as installing something problematic driver or something on a machine and it crashes and doesn’t boot up. So you have to try and fix it, or go to a provider who can reset or pay for managed service. So then moving on to cloud hosting, cloud hosting, again, representative, don’t hold me to this, it is what I would call an extended VPS.
In this have I have shown it in this way, again, for like five CPUs, or get five obviously is not going to be but five CPUs, five RAM slots, and the store the site data that you see, that’s mainly storage, so that’s storage and com…So basically compute and memory is separate storage is separate storage can be self storage are some, some of the other redundant flash storage, and CPU RAM and your content are connected via network.
So how does this work? This is more like a larger scalable VPS where I can let’s say allocate first two cores of CPU and four GB RAM to site one, site two, I will allocate maybe one CPU and more RAM and stuff. And if I run out tomorrow, let’s say site one wants four more cores and eight four GB RAM, you can keep on adding that to this site. Unless unlike the last phase where one machine was had a limitation, you can’t oversell beyond a point, because their performance will go for a toss your you can keep on adding more CPUs to the entire cluster and keep on allocating it to whichever site needs is or so. So maybe four sides need to have lesser storage, one side needs a lot more storage. And the storage is also not limited in the previous one the VPS, the parent daddy had, let’s say one terabyte. So storage max you can go also is to a certain limit, you can go up to let’s say allocate 950 gb of hard drive, but if somebody wants, it only requires 900, then obviously you can use that for five different VMs. Right. So you’re you can keep on adding storage, you can keep on adding CPU, RAM, and this is scalable. So this can scale automatically this can scale manually. But there is no limitation there is no downtime that you need that Okay, now if I have to, if I need to add more CPU, RAM, I don’t have to shut the site down, go to a new machine with more resources and start it up over there. Your it happens on the fly. And that’s cloud in a nutshell for you. This is what’s normally used. And if you’re starting out, frankly, this is what you should be using. shared hosting is again, let’s go with the same example, the dedicated box that you had four core CPU eight GB RAM, that’s the box. But now what do you do over here is in the same hard drive, it should have having one side or instead of having four VMs, I put in unlimited sites or n number of sites that can be from depending on the hosting provider, they can be from 200 500,000 2000 to 5000 sites I’ve seen, so was the fire 6000 sites as well. So this can be in any of that range. So what this does is the same CPU RAM is now shared with between all of these websites. So ideally, if you asked me, out of all the three of the four previous configurations that I showed you Trac the site, one may be able to access all four cores at all eight GB RAM, while in any other other cases except Daddy, you can’t access that watch directly on the fly or directly out of the box. And that would mean that shared obviously works good enough. But what happens when there are 2000 sites, even small, small small request add up.
So you know single site is ever going to be able to eat or consume four cores and eight GB RAM. And if one site is consuming that much, then the hosting provider will figure out that that one site is causing performance issues to all other 1000 2000 sites and tell them okay, was you need to go to a dedicated resource. You cannot be on a shared box like this, because you are resulting into performance degradation of everybody else. So that’s obviously a drawback of that site. But most of the hosting providers have checks in place to try and avoid that 510 years back maybe that was not there. There are a lot of tools, even like you might have heard of cloudlinux and stuff where you can limit the resource are the upper limit of the resource that each site can use. But the resources that are normally given are good enough for your websites to run a normal blog, or normal portal and stuff. All of that works on this configuration as well. So ideally, this becomes the cheapest when you come when it comes to user cost. simple reason it’s like you have you take a big hall, and you get 100 people to live in it, you get four people to live in it, you get one person to live in it, the cost of that room always remains the same. So that’s how the cost of these products ideally vary. Managed WordPress hosting this is something that I’m sure you guys have seen other new since your WordPress, you’re looking to build something on WordPress or learning on WordPress, you might have heard of this when you go to any other hosting providers site. So what is managed WordPress hosting? And where can you have it? So managed WordPress hosting is an offering that’s built on WordPress. But managed WordPress hosting is not limited or doesn’t have its own, what I would say a particular architecture, it can be built on a VPS on cloud or shared on dedicated, frankly, anywhere you want managed WordPress can be given. So this depends on the provider you are with. So there are some providers who give it on vpss or a supporter who gives you some cloud or some product, we’ll give it on share and summarize who he will give this on daily. So what is a managed WordPress hosting offering. So managed WordPress hosting offering is mainly an offering where it is catered or what I would say is it is weak and performance benefits management are done to support WordPress as an offering. So that means database optimization is done. Security is controlled based on that. You have WordPress upgrades, updates pre built in, there are maybe backups built in depending on the providers. Again, all these features will depend on your provider. So it’s optimized mainly to host WordPress sites. That doesn’t mean it cannot post anything. It’s again, it’s LAMP stack, right? It’s Linux, Apache, MySQL, MySQL, PHP. But those enhancements, those caching layers and stuff built for WordPress specifically, will ensure that your WordPress site performance is much better than just going for a normal non optimized shared hosting because it’s optimized for anything that comes right. It’s not optimized for one particular thing. So managed WordPress hosting works depending on where you buy it from whom you buy it from, and how it has been built. It may be a value add or just a gimmick and to take your money, frankly. So depending it depends on the product again. Now that you know all kinds of hosting, what next. These are a few caveats that you should always keep in mind, no matter where you are buying, or maybe you’re starting off. Always Own your domain name. This might sound simple, but a lot of people make this mistake people buy hosting from someone you know one friend that I know or somebody who has a shop or your IT person or a person who helps you with computers and stuff. If the domain name is registered in their name, you are not the rightful owner, even though you might have paid them. And if you go to a register from whom you have bought this, they will not recognize you because the registrar named the person was registered, the email id, the phone number is you are nowhere listed. So own your own domain name, go to any of these websites, go to Google, go to GoDaddy whichever website that you like and there is no limitation on what you can use or where you can go to go to a site that you like, and buy the domain name from there. So you own that domain.
If you don’t deal with data that is critical, frankly VPS dirty and cloud can be avoided. You may not require that unless and until you reach that point that you need that kind of performance you need that kind of support and stuff. Going with shared hosting shared hosting has matured over time a lot. The resources the hardware that is normally used now used in shared hosting for with good products is crazy. I can tell you for a fact like we have 60 co or 64 core boxes with 196 gb ram and stuff. They are monster boxes. Frankly, at one point of time. I have seen servers running on Pentium three at that moment. One and Two GB RAM. So it’s grown a lot from there and it can definitely help you support your site’s. So look at that. don’t invest directly in these VPS dedicated unless and until you need it. One thing that you will see on all most of the products will not all, some providers are upfront some providers have things in fine print where they put in unlimited unmetered resources. What will What does this mean? They say, okay, you can have one domain unlimited domains with unlimited data transfer unlimited storage and stuff at $5. Do you think that’s possible as an look at your own machines? Do you think you can store unlimited data in your machine you have to pay you have to keep on increasing resources, Internet bandwidth, can that be unlimited? You pay per GB, right? There is nothing unmetered even the unlimited plans that we have after a particular threshold. It’s throttled right? So take unlimited with a pinch of salt. Understand what those actual limits are, frankly, they are normally generous limits do. From my experience, less than half a percent of people hit those limits ever. But if you hit those limits, then obviously they are going to be pulled up. But don’t expect you to get the world by paying two and $5.
So again, this is the on normal shared crochet group might have more limits. So let’s say if you have a normal shared server, which has 2000 or 3000 websites on it, the number of CPU cycles and memory, the amount of memory your site will get will be limited to let’s say, X on crossovers, which is the costlier shared or the premium shared servers, you will have a lower density instead of 2000, it will be 500, you will get four extra resources of what you’ll get on a normal shared server. So you pay more, essentially, you get the sources equivalent to what you’re paying on the website. And that’s that’s how it works. Go for unmanaged VPS Dedicated Cloud only if you know Server Administration, because that can be a handful. A lot of people I know just go and say okay, digitalocean gives me a $5 vm, why shouldn’t I go for that my site works perfectly fine, fine till it works. If something happens if you get attacked, some of the other problem happens, then, if your site is critical is going to go down. If you’re building a site to learn brilliant as you can take a VPS it’s as good as learning Linux administration for yourself, right? Let’s say administration has crazy amount of things in it. Basically, you will get commands online, which will help you figure out how to set up a server and all that will happen. But the problem is when you have to literally get to something and try and fix a problem. That’s when it gets difficult. So if it is a critical site, that downtime will not be something that you shouldn’t be you will be okay with. So, think of that if you have some one in the administration team who can handle it, if you have a team in your office, go for it. And there is no reason why you can’t go for it. VPS daddy doesn’t always mean faster hosting this is very critical. People think if I buy a four core eight GB RAM machine or a heavier machine is going to run much faster than my shared hosting or my managed WordPress hosting. That’s not always the case, it depends. Again, managed hosting might be optimized, you might have CDN caching layers pre built, which you will not get by default on your VPS or dedicated so that might result into slower site loads, then your shared hosting or your managed WordPress hosting. So it depends as if you know how to optimize that your VPS steady, you will be able to get that speed. But if you don’t know if what you’re doing that doesn’t always mean faster hosting. Select a service that gives you inbuilt caching so that caching is at multiple layers. So you will get software caching hardware caching, you will get caching at server level and stuff. So we’ll look at provider who gives you server level caching or so why I say that is your software caching. So if if you have ever worked with WordPress, you will know that our caching plugins, right WP cache and there are multiple plugins that are there. Those can enhance your performance but up to a certain level after that, if your request keep on increasing, you will not exponentially grow your performance it will then keep on dropping as you keep on getting more requests. Because there are limitations based on number of PHP connections, number of inbound connections and so there are multiple things that happen if you have a server level caching before your site is called all your resources upon the caching layer before that answers, so it doesn’t even reach your package. Stuff like that helps you. Even for databases, there is Redis caching that the varnish caching is there for your content. And so there are multiple layers of caching, depending on your provider. If your product gives you that, that will definitely help you improve your performance or your standard shared hosting provider. Use a CDN. This is something people take for granted. CDN work relate the CDN work in different ways. Again, CDN can be a different topic altogether, you can look up that you can go for CDN like CloudFlare, that’s free. Choose a free CDN that works well. It will help you in multiple ways not only loading your site better, it will also give you a web application firewall, also, people will hit or get the content from the CDN rather than your server directly. So there is a layer of this thing on various your server so you won’t get attacked, that will cover the CDN first. And they have mechanisms to thwart the those attacks and stuff. So it helps you in that way as well. Why choose a reliable vendor? This is very critical, better quality infrared, they’re going to pay for that. I know, there are hosting companies who have random so as we have half as Dell half a super micro harvest some other unknown, don’t go for that, because that inconsistency will result into them facing problems. When it comes to support if something goes down, the hardware is not very good stuff like that. If some if a provider is buying, branded, and for for a particular provider, their return rates, their deliveries, their placements happen a lot faster. So you should go in for those kinds of providers. Metadata center, they will go for tire for data centers, not tire, three data centers are the cry for obviously better than dietry. Better bandwidth, better connectivity, lesser downtime, stuff like that better support, they will be able to have a 24 by 17. If you’re going with a brand that’s starting out, maybe they just have 10 people in their team delivering everything can you expect 24 by seven support. So that should be at the back of your mind as well. With better support, also comms knowledgebase, articles, videos, blogs, multiple ways of reaching them, charge tickets, emails calls, you can go to a provider who’s giving you a $1. But to for anything, if you just have to call them it will be costly for you like you can do ISD calls for support. better security. Normally, these kind of providers have their own security teams who are looking at who have actively monitoring and ensuring they’re updated with everything that’s happening. And they are, they are responsible for patching those systems time and again, so you don’t come to know after your site is hacked that there was some vulnerability that your provider didn’t know. But stuff like this obviously helps batters better spam protection and management of your other services uptime and stuff as in Spam is a very big problem. If you have forms and stuff, you will know that you will keep on getting somebody attacks they get your password or there is some validity on your plugin, you start seeing spam are going out and stuff and then use the next thing you know that your domain is suspended because you spent 1000 people a lot of time and you did nothing at all. So stuff like this is something that the level vendor will be able to control. Again, the level of vendors do give you uptime guarantees 99.99%, uptime guarantees and stuff. So because that’s again network and infra guarantee. So if they have the capability they have the infra to be able to be able to give you this backups one of the biggest problems No, you do everything but if something happens to your side, maybe there is some disaster at the data center. There needs to be a way to get all your data back if for God forbid you don’t have your data backed up, then what then where are you so terrible vendors normally have offsite backups or backups at third party locations and not their own center. Because if the data center goes down either backups are there, it’s as good as having the same harddrive making Selebi drive and then the whole drive crashing backup is on me. Everything goes right so it’s the same fun. virus malware protection so actively Their data is managed, monitored, they have the activity scan, they don’t rely on someone to come scan manually and see, okay, there is a malware infection. So level vendors do spend a lot of time and money on this. And that’s what adds to their reliability. Bottom line in the long run this tends to be cheaper than what you would normally get at a cheaper provider if because if you are hit with any problems, then your chip vendor is not going to be able to help you out with any of those items and you will start losing out on your site. Cool, that’s all I had. Hope this was helpful for you. You can reach out to me on my Twitter or LinkedIn account as well. And Yep, thanks a lot for attending this.